Message épinglé

@Owl Come to hungary and romania english-man boi I'll kick your woke gay ass in.

🖕 😈 *Sticks* middle finger out air plane windows back at woke west.

Whenever someone tells you your generation is over, means you are being replaced, by illegal migrants now.

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When they SCRUB westerners from west ( Globalist ) do not expect your traditions, culture, you have now to be intact as westerners. Once it scrubbed away from west, it will not be no more intact but' replaced instead.

🤡 🌍 Just make ME personally want to move back to EUROPE more or Even decide on Oriental East World.

LMAO ! Definition Racialism been taken out of context by antiwhite left. Original meaning is now null and n/a.

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Réseau du Peuple is an instance willing to enhance everyone's freedom of speech limited by the respect of everyone. Mainly french-speaking server, but everyone is welcome either language you speak !