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@ oshy @

Amazing when some act nice on federated networks, no one bothers them. And Actually likes them. LUCKY ! ! Some user on federated networks. Without getting kicked offline.

*Running* after more computers next year for collecting. Got hold of mint refurbished windows-98-laptop recently for storage.

*Used* kitty cat font, *thought* it be fun to mix-it-up with some fun fonts from elder computers have on backup-physical-dvds.

( https://www. europereloaded .com ```` ```` https:// dailystormer .in ) Of Course ! Leave source over top of NEWS memes Etc

SO ! Patriots are finally winning in Continent Of Europe ! 👍

https://www. europereloaded .com/germanys-afd-achieves-historic-win-in-two-state-elections/

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Réseau du Peuple

Réseau du Peuple est une instance souhaitant favoriser la libre expression des opinions de chacun dans le respect d'autrui. Serveur principalement francophone, mais tout le monde est le bienvenue quelque soit la langue !

Réseau du Peuple is an instance willing to enhance everyone's freedom of speech limited by the respect of everyone. Mainly french-speaking server, but everyone is welcome either language you speak !