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How long will this PLASTIC-CLOWN-WORLD last?!

Millions Niggers and Middle East that got into westerners-west-land-masses to get rapped, killed, fucked, then told by main-stream it dose not exist.

The un-aborted slum child that got pumped into your womb as slum whore.

Left are assholes!

Left uses fear to censor those that do not agree with them. They cancel anyone who had brain on their shoulders who uses common-sense, facts, realism-realities.

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Réseau du Peuple

Réseau du Peuple est une instance souhaitant favoriser la libre expression des opinions de chacun dans le respect d'autrui. Serveur principalement francophone, mais tout le monde est le bienvenue quelque soit la langue !

Réseau du Peuple is an instance willing to enhance everyone's freedom of speech limited by the respect of everyone. Mainly french-speaking server, but everyone is welcome either language you speak !