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Romanian most close language and culture in east to us Italians 💟

Many Americans that are not from europe get confused about geography back home.

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Says eastern europe, only covers central, and Balkans. Eastern Europe is more geographically, Ukraine, Transnistria, Russia, Belarus, etc. Baltics. Etc.

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Probably somewhere outside of west half of europe, Central, Balkans, or northern europe.

iDK I'v had it with west failing their own ppl, saving up after college, moving back to ol' world europe.

Breaking out books on europe travel and language learning.

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Réseau du Peuple

Réseau du Peuple est une instance souhaitant favoriser la libre expression des opinions de chacun dans le respect d'autrui. Serveur principalement francophone, mais tout le monde est le bienvenue quelque soit la langue !

Réseau du Peuple is an instance willing to enhance everyone's freedom of speech limited by the respect of everyone. Mainly french-speaking server, but everyone is welcome either language you speak !