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🧛‍♀️ I'll date vampire lady 🇷🇴 🇭🇺 💟

💟 Romantic dating and marriage with pretty European women.

🍿 More easy to use Random images (google) for profile pic, and blur it to stay safe online.

It 100% ok and fine when other outside culture protect their own racially, never in reverse when westerner do it. It all fixed Big Game don't you know!

Westerners are only class people who legally discriminated against racially in the west.

And no one talks about or brings it up at all!

image if' it was in reverse! And Daily too, where westerners could discriminate too! But it's not legal!

All perfectly legal, the westerner finally get too pissed off in end game finally say something.

It 100% ok and fine when other outside culture protect their own racially, never in reverse when westerner do it. It all fixed Big Game don't you know!

Westerners are only class people who legally discriminated against racially in the west.

And no one talks about or brings it up at all!

image if' it was in reverse! And Daily too, where westerners could discriminate too! But it's not legal!

All perfectly legal, the westerner finally get too pissed off in end game finally say something.

It 100% ok and fine when other outside culture protect their own racially, never in reverse when westerner do it. It all fixed Big Game don't you know!

Westerners are only class people who legally discriminated against racially in the west.

And no one talks about or brings it up at all!

image if' it was in reverse! And Daily too, where westerners could discriminate too! But it's not legal!

All perfectly legal, til westerner finally get too pissed off in end game finally say something.

It 100% ok and fine when other outside culture protect their own racially, never in reverse when westerner do it. It all fixed Big Game don't you know!

Westerners are only class people who legally discriminated against racially in the west.

And no one talks about or brings it up at all!

image if' it was in reverse! And Daily too, where westerners could discriminate too! But it not legal!

It 100% ok and fine when other outside culture protect their own racially, never in reverse when westerner do it. It all fixed Big Game don't you know!

Westerners are only class people that legally discriminated against racially in the west.

And no one talks about or brings it up at all!

It 100% ok and fine when other outside culture protect their own racially, never in reverse when westerner do it. It all fixed Big Game don't you know!

Westerner are only class people that legally discriminated against racially in west.

It 100% ok and fine when other outside culture protect their own racially, never in reverse when westerner do it. It all fixed Big Game don't you know!

@ left: do you want gen. mao from communist China back alive too then? Lets dig up his zombie corps from time machine.

That would be saying in reverse right scream Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhh Stallion still alive commies are coming.

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Réseau du Peuple

Réseau du Peuple est une instance souhaitant favoriser la libre expression des opinions de chacun dans le respect d'autrui. Serveur principalement francophone, mais tout le monde est le bienvenue quelque soit la langue !

Réseau du Peuple is an instance willing to enhance everyone's freedom of speech limited by the respect of everyone. Mainly french-speaking server, but everyone is welcome either language you speak !